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Global Garage Sale - a different kind of store!

Global Garage Sale Still On Air:

For over 12 years, we have been doing a 1/2 hour radio show, the first Tuesday of the month, on WVMT, now on The Morning Drive with Kurt and Anthony!
See the Monthly Top Ten Lists!


We make eBay easy! You drop it off and we do the rest!

Global Garage Sale can sell almost anything on eBay, from small antiques and collectibles to large items like classic cars and business equipment. We've managed over 30,000 auctions on eBay since starting our business. The best items are easily shipped and have a minimum eBay value of at least $50. Your items, unless they are antiques, will fetch better prices if they are cleaned up before they are dropped off!

1. Appraise - We offer free eBay appraisals of your merchandise to find out the price that similar items have been selling for on eBay recently.

2. Research - We do the necessary research to give buyers the information they need to confidently place bids on your items.

3. Photograph - We take professional digital photos, and know how to represent your items on eBay in the best possible way.

4. Manage - We promptly answer email and phone questions from bidders, ensuring the best possible prices for your merchandise.

5. Collect Payment - We collect and process payments before any of your items ship to the winning bidders.

6. Pack & Ship - We carefully pack all items ourselves, so we know it's done right, and ship as soon as payment clears.

7. We send you a check!

So give us a call at 802-655-4443 or stop by today to find out how we can make you money!

Global Garage Sale is now offering pickup services on a limited basis. We have a rate of $50 per hour with a minimum one hour charge. We can only arrange pickups if the total expected eBay value of your items is $500 or more. Please call to schedule a pickup or to inquire about the possible value of your items.


  • We provide free eBay appraisals on all items.

  • We list most items within 7 days of drop off.

  • Our basic eBay listings last for 7 days.

  • The buyer has 7 days to make payment.

  • We ship to the buyer within 2 business days of payment.

  • We send you a check 14 days after shipping or when we receive feedback from the buyer, whichever comes first. The whole process takes 3-4 weeks on average from dropoff to payment.

  • While an item is in our possession you agree to not advertise or sell it elsewhere.

  • We have the right to refuse items that are prohibited by eBay, or any item for any reason.

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