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1952 Encyclopedia Britannica Great Books of the Western World COMPLETE SET 1-54

54 Great Books of the Western World
by Encyclopaedia Britannica in 1952
Complete 1-54
Excellent Condition, some have not even been opened
A few have been read, one has a dirty corner, you can see it on the left in the photo showing the pages.
These will ship with Media Mail for only $80, we will pack them into 3 boxes, for easier handling, it is a very heavy set.

1. The Great Conversation
2. The Great Ideas A Synopticon I Angel to Love
3. The Great Ideas A Synopticon II Man to World
4. The Iliad of Homer/The Odyssey
5. Aeschylus/Sophocles/Euripides/Aristophanes
7. Plato
8. Aristotle I
9. Aristotle II
10. Hippocrates/Galen
11. Euclid/Archimedes/Apollonius of Perga/Nicomachus
12. Lucretius/Epictectus/Marcus Aurelius
13. Virgil
14. Plutarch
15. Tacitus
16. Ptolemy/Copernicus/Kepler
17. Plotinus
18. Augustine
19. Thomas Aquinas I
20. Thomas Aquinas II
21. Dante
22. Chaucer
23. Machiavelli/Hobbes
24. Rabelais
25. Montaigne
26. Shakespeare I
27. Shakespeare II
28. Gilbert/Galileo/Harvey
29. Cervantes
30. Francis Bacon
31. Descartes/Spinoza
32. Milton
33. Pascal
34. Newton/Huygens
35. Locke/Berkeley/Hume
36. Swift/Sterne
37. Feilding
38. Montesquieu/Rousseau
39. Adam Smith
40. Gibbon I
41. Gibbon II
42. Kant
43. American State Papers/The Federalist/J.S. Mill
44. Boswell
45. Lavoisier/Fourier/Faraday
46. Hegel
47. Goethe
48. Melville
49. Darwin
50. Marx
51. Tolstoy
52. Dostoevsky
53. William James
54. Freud

1952 Encyclopedia Britannica Great Books of the Western World COMPLETE SET 1-54
1952 Encyclopedia Britannica Great Books of the Western World COMPLETE SET 1-54 1
1952 Encyclopedia Britannica Great Books of the Western World COMPLETE SET 1-54 2
1952 Encyclopedia Britannica Great Books of the Western World COMPLETE SET 1-54 3
1952 Encyclopedia Britannica Great Books of the Western World COMPLETE SET 1-54 4

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