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Date: 4/10/2021
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6 Robert Wallace & Sons RW&S 95 Grams Sterling Silver Ice Cream Spoon Fork Set

6 Robert Wallace & Sons Sterling Silver Ice Cream Spoon Set
Total Weight: 95 Grams
Hallmarks: RW&S with Deer Head & Sterling
There is a monogram on the handle, and they will need a good cleaning, possibly the ammonia bath, and then a good polishing.

6 Robert Wallace & Sons RW&S 95 Grams Sterling Silver Ice Cream Spoon Fork Set
6 Robert Wallace & Sons RW&S 95 Grams Sterling Silver Ice Cream Spoon Fork Set 1
6 Robert Wallace & Sons RW&S 95 Grams Sterling Silver Ice Cream Spoon Fork Set 2
6 Robert Wallace & Sons RW&S 95 Grams Sterling Silver Ice Cream Spoon Fork Set 3

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Global Garage Sale has been selling online for individuals, businesses, and large organizations since 2003. Our store is located at 880 Prim Road in Colchester, Vermont. To learn more about Global Garage Sale, visit our website www.globalgaragesale.net

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