This listing is for several lovely Burberry items including a handbag, makeup pouch, and belt. They all come inside a Burberry dust bag. Based on our research, the bag and pouch are PVC coated canvas and the belt is leather, as is the strap on the handbag. It was difficult to discern which check pattern these items are, as people seem to use "Nova" and "Horseferry" interchangeably. We also weren't able to determine the model names of these items. They're in very good condition overall with some minor wear from use. The handbag has a tiny ink spot inside the top flap that isn't visible when it's closed. Please see the photos below to see everything that is included, and contact us with any questions before bidding. We have a low opening bid and no reserve price so don't miss your chance to win!
Approximate measurements:
- Handbag: 10.5" wide; 2" deep; 6" tall; 11" strap drop
- Pouch: 6.5" wide; 2" deep; 4" tall
- Belt: size 40/100; 40" long; 1" wide