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Date: 11/13/2012
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2 New England Patriots Indianapolis Colts Tickets 11/18 Gillette Stadium NO RES!

This listing is for a pair of New England Patriots tickets! They are playing the Indianapolis Colts at Gillette Stadium on Sunday, November 18th at 4:25pm, and the weather forecast is for 50 degrees! Don't miss your chance to check out future Hall of Famer Tom Brady battle rookie QB Andrew Luck in a marquee matchup of two 6-3 teams. The Colts are playing through a very emotional season for their coach Chuck Pagano who is battling cancer. The seats are right next to each other in Section 328, Row 21. The barcode and actual seat numbers have been blocked out in the photos for privacy reasons. The tickets will be emailed directly through Ticketmaster as soon as payment is received and you can print them out. This is the fastest and safest option, and will only cost $6 to cover the transfer fees. We have a low opening bid price, so don't miss your chance to win!

2 New England Patriots Indianapolis Colts Tickets 11/18 Gillette Stadium NO RES!
2 New England Patriots Indianapolis Colts Tickets 11/18 Gillette Stadium NO RES! 1
2 New England Patriots Indianapolis Colts Tickets 11/18 Gillette Stadium NO RES! 2
2 New England Patriots Indianapolis Colts Tickets 11/18 Gillette Stadium NO RES! 3

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Global Garage Sale has been selling online for individuals, businesses, and large organizations since 2003. Our store is located at 880 Prim Road in Colchester, Vermont. To learn more about Global Garage Sale, visit our website www.globalgaragesale.net

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