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Date: 10/4/2008
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Itzchak Tarkay Hand Signed Book W/ 4 Lithograph Prints

This listing is for a rare book showcasing the work of Itzchak Tarkay. The title is Itzchak Tarkay: Works on Paper. There were only 4,400 of these books published and each one was hand signed by the artist. The book has three original unsigned lithographs bound into it as well as a lithographed dust jacket. The signed page refers to the preceding lithograph and indicates it's titled Sea Side Cafe, number 50 of 400. The book has 142 pages with dozens of color illustrations and measures about 12" inches by 9 1/2" inches. The book and dust jacket are in excellent overall condition and this listing has no reserve price so don't miss your chance to win!

From Wikipedia:

"Itzchak Tarkay (born 1935) is an Austrian-born Israeli painter and watercolourist.

"In 1944, Tarkay and his family were sent to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp, until Allied liberation freed them a year later. In 1949 his family emigrated to Israel, living in a kibbutz for several years. Tarkay attended the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design from 1951, and graduated from from the Avni Institute of Art in 1956.

"His art is influenced by French Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism, particularly Matisse and Toulouse-Lautrec. His work was exhibited at the International Art Expo in New York in 1986 and 1987, and he has been the subject of three books."

Itzchak Tarkay Hand Signed Book W/ 4 Lithograph Prints
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