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Status: SOLD!
Date: 3/23/2008
Venue: eBay
Price: ??,???
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360 NOS Polypropylene Capacitors 10 mfd M15-310-106-1J

This listing is for 360 NOS high quality polypropylene film capacitors, part #M15-310-106-1J tape wrapped axial. They are rated at 10 MFD +-5% 100 VDC/ 67VAC. They were made by Industrial Midwec company, who is no longer in business. These capacitors were recognized as the "best" capacitor for audio applications. They were originally designed for a low frequency filter application, they are ideal for audio applications such as loud speaker crossover networks.

360 NOS Polypropylene Capacitors 10 mfd M15-310-106-1J
360 NOS Polypropylene Capacitors 10 mfd M15-310-106-1J 1
360 NOS Polypropylene Capacitors 10 mfd M15-310-106-1J 2
360 NOS Polypropylene Capacitors 10 mfd M15-310-106-1J 3

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